Prime Hill Assist Retarder
Prime Hill Assist Retarder is the equivalent to Prime Retarder but has been formulated with a thicker viscosity to avoid runoffs down gradients and vertical surfaces. Prime Hill Assist Retarder works by delaying the set of the surface cement exposing the aggregate in the concrete.
The easy to see fluorescent green colour ensures even coverage, reducing missed or non-covered areas.
The viscosity of Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder has been formulated with a thicker viscosity to avoid runoffs on gradients and vertical surfaces.
Improved surface adhesion which will increase its retarding power.
Reduced wash off times due to superior performance in warm or windy conditions to that of other retardants on the market.
A large distributor network, so wherever the job you will be able to find a Prime Exposure stockist.
Unsurpassed level of surface exposure, providing an even finish and polish of stone
Coverage: Approximately 70-90m2 per 20 Litre Drum
Application Guide
- Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder should be sprayed onto the surface at a rate of 0.2-0.3 litres per square meter. Apply an even coat of Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder once you are confident you have worked/trowelled out all your tool lines. The spraying of Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder should slightly pit the surface, which indicates sufficient surface moisture. Do not trowel Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder into the surface.
- In hot and windy conditions we recommend to cover the concrete with polythene (builder’s film) or spray with Prime Exposure Evaploc after you have applied Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder, this will greatly reduce wash off times and assist in the reduction of hairline cracking.
- Please refer to Prime Exposure Evaploc Technical Data Sheet for the dilution rate/instructions. Apply the polythene or Prime Exposure Evaploc when you can no longer see the fluorescent green colour of the Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder and the Hill Assist Retarder has set (this will at least halve your wash off time).
- We recommend washing off Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder between 6 to 18 hours weather dependant, wash off with a minimum of 3000 psi high pressure cleaner.
- Wash off times vary due to weather conditions, anything over 23°C or in excessively windy conditions you can wash off 6 hours after applying the Prime Exposure Hill Assist Retarder.
- For best results we recommend to cover and wash off the following day. When washing off the following day the likelihood of over or under exposure is greatly reduced. For ease of wash off, it is best to leave the job covered or wet while washing, this will assist the retarder to rehydrate and further reduce wash off times. Same day wash off requires a high level of experience and can result in under or overexposure of the surface.
Important Notice